For creating some of the best global CEOs of today, you do need to thank Indian parenting especially the Indian mothers of a specific era.

There is no denying the fact that, whether it is Microsoft's Satya Nadella, Alphabet's Sundar Pichai, along with the top bosses of IBM, Adobe, Palo Alto Networks, VMWare, Twitter and Vimeo, they all have one thing in common, and that is, they are all of Indian descent. And going forward, it is quite likely that,… Continue reading For creating some of the best global CEOs of today, you do need to thank Indian parenting especially the Indian mothers of a specific era.

The Collective Reality

Our conscious experience is a part of reality. According to integrated information theory, consciousness is a fundamental aspect of reality. In other words, it exists and is structured, specific, unified and definite.  Simply put, consciousness could very likely emerge when information moves between the subsystems of an overall system. So therefore, to be conscious, an entity has… Continue reading The Collective Reality

A False equivalence : Comparing Financial Crisis to the Pandemic

My imaginary grandmother aka GrandMa once told me “ son!  you don’t measure the damage caused by a hurricane, when you are in the eye of the hurricane “. And I believe that to be true. In my own assessment, we should have a lot more clarity on where we are and the road ahead… Continue reading A False equivalence : Comparing Financial Crisis to the Pandemic

Institutionalisation of Democracy and the Gods – The faults within 

The idea of conceiving a  system of governance for a society that is ruled  by the people, kicked started the concept of democracy. And democratic ways of governing a society has  been around for few thousands years now. Modern history tells us that, it is the Greeks who came up with the original conception of… Continue reading Institutionalisation of Democracy and the Gods – The faults within 

The Influence of Culture on Investment Behaviour

Culture plays a very important role in an economy, and there is a reason for it. Humans beings are designed to be cultural. Since the evolution of human modern human society, culture has continued  to be a strong part of average people’s lives. Culture tends to influence people views, values, money, aspirations, hopes, their priorities… Continue reading The Influence of Culture on Investment Behaviour

Capitalism Vs Socialism – Looking for a new normal

  The title is probably causing a bit of confusion, isn’t it ? However, my intention is not to cause any confusion, but to ask myself and hopefully others a simple, but an honest  question. And that is, when it comes to capitalism vs socialism debate, are we really taking sides based on  our bias… Continue reading Capitalism Vs Socialism – Looking for a new normal

A Discussion on the concept of value

Before I get started, I feel, it’s probably a good idea to set the backdrop of the story as a context to just why did I decide to write about the concept of value. So here it is.  I got on a scheduled conference call with two potential investors who were kind enough to show… Continue reading A Discussion on the concept of value

How to sell a narrative to a society

The question we are all busy asking ourselves is, why is our society struggling ? And the answer isn’t really that difficult. Everything is eventually designed to fail, and so will the narratives that we have sold ourselves. What got us to where we are today isn’t going to take us, where we want to… Continue reading How to sell a narrative to a society


Today we live in a world where social media has taken a centre stage and a sizeable percentage of the overall world population is actively using various types of social networking platform. Social Media is about connectivity and interactive engagement where a single POST or an OPINION is shared, liked, and commented upon creating a… Continue reading The BUSINESS OF SOCIAL MEDIA and NETWORKING SITES